June 15, 2024

La route de la soie (1 jan 0 ano – 1 jan 400 ano)


The Silk Road
is the most famous ancient trade route, linking the major ancient
civilizations of China and the Roman Empire. Silk was traded from China
to the Roman Empire starting in the first century BCE, in exchange for
wool, silver, and gold coming from Europe. In addition to fostering
trade, the Silk Road also became a vital route for the spread of
knowledge, technology, religion, and the arts, with many trading centers
along the route, such as Samarkand in modern-day Uzbekistan, also becoming important centers of intellectual exchange.
The Silk Road originated in Xi’an, China, and travelled alongside the
Great Wall of China before crossing the Pamir Mountains into
Afghanistan and on to the Levant, where goods were loaded on to ships
destined for Mediterranean ports. It was rare for tradespeople to travel
the full 4000 miles, so most plied their trade on sections of the
route. As the Roman Empire crumbled in the fourth century CE, the Silk
Road became unsafe and fell out of use until the 13th century, when it
was revived under the Mongols. Italian explorer Marco Polo followed the
Silk Road during the 13th century, becoming one of the first Europeans
to visit China. But the famous route may have spread more than trade and
cross-cultural links—some scientists think it was merchants traveling
along the route who spread the plague bacteria that caused the Black Death.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

8 jun 2021


1 jan 0 ano
1 jan 400 ano
~ 400 years
