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April 1, 2024

world war 2:japanese internment camp (Sidney) (18 dez 1941 ano – 1 mar 1949 ano)


after the Japanese attacked pearl harbour in hong kong it caused a lot of damge and hong kong was in need of help so they asked one of their alibi and that alibi was Canada,when Canada saw how bad the damge was they had to report back to William Lyon Mackenzie King (who was the prime minster at the time).After William heard what happened he was shocked so he said he made people who were Japanese or had Japanese blood leave their homes and be put in internment camps in B.C because he said that would keep them safe, everything ended in 1949 and people voted to free Japanese people and that's when Canadians and Japanese people became one.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


18 dez 1941 ano
1 mar 1949 ano
~ 7 years and 2 months
