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April 1, 2024

The Italian Plague (15 dez 1629 ano – 5 fev 1631 ano)


While this took place after the Black Death it was still caused by the bubonic plague. As the bubonic plague continued to pop up all around Europe, although this pop up was more serious then others. The plague was brought back by soldiers from the Thirty Year's War who had traveled to the city of Mantua. It hit Italy's largest and strongest cities such as Verona, Florence, Venice, and Milan, many scholars have claimed that this was what made Italy fall from being a world power. As it was the bubonic plague it had the same effects as the Black Death. It was again transmitted the same way through fleas on rats, contact with infected, and contact with their possessions. It killed 148,000 people in Italy wiping the major cities population to be fractions of what it once was.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


15 dez 1629 ano
5 fev 1631 ano
~ 1 years