// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Antonine Plague (21 jan 165 ano – 30 jun 180 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Antonine Plague (21 jan 165 ano – 30 jun 180 ano)


Smallpox and measles have been accredited with causing the plague that struck the Roman Empire. It is thought to have been brought back by soldiers from the Near East. It's mortality rate was 25% when it disappeared for good. Smallpox starts as a high fever and vomiting to head and body aches. Then it progresses to a rash that causes blisters to form and eventually fall off after a few days. While nowadays it's rare to catch it is still out there. Smallpox is spread by being in close quarters with someone who's infected, or by handling any bodily fluids of the infected, and by prolonged face to face exposure. Also, although it's rare, it can be transmitted through the air, insects and animals are unable to transmit the disease.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 jan 165 ano
30 jun 180 ano
~ 15 years