June 15, 2024

1st Incursion (9 dez 169 ano – 28 abr 171 ano)


The First Incursion, originally called The Spawn Invasion, occurred in December year 169 and lasted till April 171.

only 12 years after the creation of Valkryia, Valkryia and its cities had been expanding rapidly at an immense rate. And because of the 1/8 dupe, Valkryia had a lot of resources available in stock. The leader of Valkryia, Hinderjd, proposed an idea to use their resources and numbers to invade spawn to display their strength. Normally this idea would be dismissed but the credibility of Hinderjd and the pride of the nation created much support.

The Military of Valkryia Marched to spawn to invade it although it was very disorganized due to some military units and leaders being too eager and marching ahead while others stayed behind not wanting to be apart of the incursion.
When Hinderjd's forces arrived at spawn, they occupied 2k2k to use it as a base of operations during the incursion.

Although the first incursion started strong, it soon started to fall apart. The incursion quickly became unorganized as soldiers and units started to pursue their own goals at spawn. 2k2k also began to be heavily attacked by griefers due to the unorganized state of the military. Many soldiers ended up being killed due to the lack of experience and inorganization of everything. The Valkryian military had good equipment but lacked experience and training. The Incursion ended a little after a year when Hinderjd left spawn. Although some forces still held out at spawn for a few months after.

Although the incursion failed, no one cared since it was a challenge and good display of power.

However Months after the first incursion, General. Drewbookman was caught collaborating with various raiders and griefers giving information away about valkryia and its defenses. Once this information was found out, Drewbookman was deemed a traitor and exiled. Soon after this Anatolia was griefed. It was said by Pyrobyte that Drewbookman led the grief however suspicions arose over Pyrobyte's claims being false. Nevertheless Drewbookman was a target and Valkryian citizens were scattered after the incident.

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9 dez 169 ano
28 abr 171 ano
~ 1 years and 4 months