// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Northern Expedition and White Terror (9 jul 1926 ano – 29 dez 1928 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Northern Expedition and White Terror (9 jul 1926 ano – 29 dez 1928 ano)


- Based in Canton, so they went North, fighting the different factions of warlords
- Took until 1928, but was largely successful
- They had to take over the capital of each province, and it was a lot easier to do this from the inside

- this is where the communists really shone, because they could mobilize factory workers and peasant
- the nationalist were able to gain money from bankers in Shanghai and abroad
- they also were much more organized than the boxers
- They also encountered some foreign forces but didn't always result in armed conflict

White Terror (Apr. 1927)
- Once they reached Shanghai, the United Front broke
- the nationalist party turned against the communist party
- purging the party of communist leaders
- They also rounded up the labor leaders who helped the northern expedition
- Also did this in Wuhan
- The communists went into hiding

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

8 mai 2021


9 jul 1926 ano
29 dez 1928 ano
~ 2 years and 5 months