// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Hundred Day Reform (11 jan 1898 ano – 1 jan 0 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

The Hundred Day Reform (11 jan 1898 ano – 1 jan 0 ano)


Initiated by the young Guangxu Emperor

- Promoted Institutional Change
- Broader Support Base
- Political Action Groups
- Emergence of Modern Nationalism

Thought they could bypass the Empress Cixi (despite her having immense influence)

- despite the ideas for the reform being very good
- they lacked funding
- the young emperor brought advisors from outside the palace
- The Empress Dowager was offended, felt like it was a coup
- Yuan Shikai the Commander of the Beiyang army sided with the Empress
- They put Guangxu Emperor into house arrest and lived there for the rest of his life (until 1908)
- The advisors either fled or were executed
- Boxer debacle happened shortly after
- the court fled and returned in 1902

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

8 mai 2021


11 jan 1898 ano
1 jan 0 ano
~ 100 days