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April 1, 2024

The Taiping Rebellion (1 dez 1850 ano – 1 jan 1864 ano)


- While the Qing dynasty were fighting the
foreigners they also had to suppress a rebellion
- Deadliest civil war in history
- The Taiping longhair was a symbol of the rebellion
- Led by Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864)
- The rebellion led to the formation of a new army. Before, the Manchu Bannerman were the designated warriors for the nation. However they were not useful for the Taiping rebellion. So the local governments began organizing their own regional armies (creation led by Zeng Guofan (1811-1872) and Li Hongzhang (1823-1901)
- supported by foreigners to further weaken Qing

The emperor during the 1860s was under attack from all sides. The Russians in the North, the Uighurs in the West, the Taiping in the South, and the British and French in the East

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

8 mai 2021


1 dez 1850 ano
1 jan 1864 ano
~ 13 years