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April 1, 2024

Sino-French War (1 jan 1884 ano – 1 jan 1885 ano)


- After the French lost control of India to the British, they began expanding into Indo-China, immediately after winning the second Opium War (1864)

- They went after Fuzhou and Taiwan because during the 20 year period between the SOW and this war

- They didn't take over the land but they took over the foreign affairs and trade, as well as setting up posts along the coast and along the red river

- China tried to build up its naval fleet, however due to fractional politics they split into different fleets, however they didn't cooperate

So when the French attacked they could defeat the Fuzhou fleet because they didn't get any assistance

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

8 mai 2021


1 jan 1884 ano
1 jan 1885 ano
~ 12 months