June 15, 2024

[6] Reign of Hiera I F. (8 abr 1502 ano – 7 dez 1555 ano)


Hiera the First promoted the study of the ancient Iopon and Grotian thinkers and philosophers and promoted the Javician Renaissance through the use of patronizing for new paintings and sculptures in Javicia. Emperor Hiera hired regional artists to create works of art in the region they were from. For example, Hiera hired the popular Oipientian painter, Yusoirot, to paint the Meeting of Malhena and Evis that is found on the ceilin of the Grand Cathedral of Malhena, Kueplios. Hiera also owned around 12 printing presses in the Palace of Monarchs in Nevashivi and printed translated editions of the various literary works of the Classical Period of Iopo and Grotian.

During the Merchant War, Emperor Hiera the First favored the merchants and supported them by sending large amounts of soldiers to fight for them. He considered them to be extremely help full in stabilizing the nation after the Great Vassal Trade and for expanding the trade networks for Javicia. He also praised the merchants for their help in exploration and colonization of the New World.

Hiera the First is widely considered t be the first Javician Emperor of the Renaissance.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


8 abr 1502 ano
7 dez 1555 ano
~ 53 years