June 15, 2024

[24] Reign of Great King Moskevanïm"the Silent" (1 abr 850 ano – 17 jan 885 ano)


During his early reign, he was regarded as a great military leader. In the year 865, Moskevanïm suffered from a stroke that affected his brain tremendously and left him paralyzed from the waist down and made him mute. After 865, Moskevaním's strategic mind was severly dulled and this led to the independence of Uytile and the victory of Rílen.

He was nicknamed "the Brave" due to his successes in the Harelstal War, the Aullest Raids, and the Third Larifien-Oipentan War. However, after the First Uytilian-Oipentan War, the nickname began to disappear and after his stroke, he was given the nickname "the Silent" due to his muteness caused by the stroke.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 abr 850 ano
17 jan 885 ano
~ 34 years