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April 1, 2024

The New York City Conspiracy of 1741 (1 jan 1741 ano – 14 jun 1801 ano)


This even happened in New York 1741- June 14th, 1801. What happened during this event was a purported plot by slaves and poor whites in the British colony of New York in 1741 to revolt and level New York City with a series of fire. Important people who were apart of this event was Slaves, White People, Saint John, Mary Burton, Denmark Vesey, Caesar, and John Hughson. Rumors of a conspiracy arose against a background of economic competition between poor whites and slaves; a severe winter; war between Britain and Spain, with heightened anti-Catholic and anti-Spanish feelings; and recent slave revolts in South Carolina and Saint John in the Caribbean.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

22 jan 2018


1 jan 1741 ano
14 jun 1801 ano
~ 60 years