July 1, 2024

Assembly of prototype (hardware) (12 h 5 fev 2018 ano – 22 h 21 m, 10 mar 2018 ano)


- 3D print magnet and petri dish holder in makerspace
- Cut aluminum base for our system
- Drill holes for microscope, laser post, lens post, and photodetector post
- Before assembly we must sterilize the individual parts using an autoclave. The parts that cannot be run through the autoclave due to temperature (includes magnets, plastic parts, and electronics), we will use a UV light for sterilization
- Mount lab jack to base; mount petri dish holder to lab jack
- Mount laser holder and laser on the laser post
- Mount lens on the lens post
- Assemble photodetector circuit; on double sided PCB prototype board
- Includes op amp, photodiode, resistors
- Put silicon grease on any open connections or metals that will oxidize in humid incubator environment
- Fill petri dish with saline solution, put pyrolytic graphite in it, put petri dish on holder

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 h 5 fev 2018 ano
22 h 21 m, 10 mar 2018 ano
~ 1 months and 3 days