June 15, 2024

[3] Nokšem Term (10 jan 1753 ano – 10 jan 1758 ano)


3rd Tsĩvgalè
The Tsĩvgalèploi term of Sõf Nokšem.

Born in 1709 in Jekothi, Sõf Nokšem was raised by a high class merchant family that controlled the Jekothi iron industry. However, Nokšem was educated at the University of Kueplios to become a lawyer. While at the university, he began to dance with various philosophies of different thinkers, including the early pro-Oipientian independence movement and the anti-Javician movement. When the Great Javician Civil War started, he joined the fight and rose through the ranks, even being summoned multiple times as a consult on battle by Cheman himself. He became Chemans political rival during the age of the Republic, even thoguh the two were best friends.

Ethnicity: Oipientian (born in Kueplios in 1703)
Oipientian Party of the Republic

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


10 jan 1753 ano
10 jan 1758 ano
~ 5 years