// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Harpers Ferry (12 set 1862 ano – 15 set 1862 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Harpers Ferry (12 set 1862 ano – 15 set 1862 ano)


All through September 12-15, 1862 John Brown made a plan to seize the guns in the armory at Harpers Ferry. He would equip enslaved African Americans and revolt. Brown took his brothers and easily gained control of the armory. Not good for him though, no African Americans showed up to help and everything quickly went down. Not soon after Robert E. Lee surrounded Brown and the Ferry. Ten of Browns men were then killed and he was then captured and wounded. John Brown’s raid created more tension between the north and south and had convinced the southerners that the north was going out of there way to destroy the life of the south.
Information - Textbook: America; History of Our Nation
Picture - wvculture.org

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 set 1862 ano
15 set 1862 ano
~ 3 days
