June 15, 2024

ReconnectMC war (4 ago 2016 ano – 1 fev 2017 ano)


The Imperials were in war with The Mayhem Squad, the Neutrals, interesting thing is that the 3 main teams had a X as symbol for the Mayhem Squad, a Z for the Neutrals and a Y for Imperials. The X and Z logos were made to fit in with the Imperial Y logo which was made long before.

the Biggest city of the server was Imperials city, griefed by the server's veterans.
It lasted 6 months and had more than 10 members.

The war ended with a peace treaty between the 3 server's grou^p

Reconnect MC was shutted down in early 2017

"10:14] Anyone knowing me today knows I am not passive. This is why the Reconnect Revolution was a success, seen in Genesis and The old empire.
[10:15] It was such a success that we made nobody want to play and everybody quit including the admins and the server shut down."
MrCK, The Imperial Bible

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


4 ago 2016 ano
1 fev 2017 ano
~ 6 months