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April 1, 2024

Redactor Source (R) (1 jan 715 ano antes da era comum – 1 jan 687 ano antes da era comum)


This scribal school or individual reworked the sources to find a way to stitch them together into a readable framework. Sometimes he added editorial insertions to make the text more readable or to cause it to make sense. The Redactor clearly took material out of the text as well. I believe that there is strong evidence to suggest that the Bible experienced at least two major redactions: one before and one after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 586 BCE.

redactor combined the two into a standard text, JE, the redactor himself being known as RJE. Then in the reign of Hezekiah, c.715-687 BC, the Jerusalem priesthood produced a text which they saw as a replacement for JE, the theology of which was objectionable to their project of religious reform: this was the Priestly source, or P. Hezekiah's reform program failed, but was revived in the reign of his great-grandson Josiah, c. 640-609 BC, producing the last source, the Deuteronomist, or D. The three sources (JE now counting as a single source) existed independently until the return from the Babylonian exile, when a final redactor, R, combined them.


J: Yahwist (10th-9th century BCE)[1][2]
E: Elohist (9th century BCE)[1]
Dtr1: early (7th century BCE) Deuteronomist historian
Dtr2: later (6th century BCE) Deuteronomist historian
P*: Priestly (6th-5th century BCE)[3][2]
D†: Deuteronomist
R: redactor
DH: Deuteronomistic history (books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings)

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

9 meses atrás


1 jan 715 ano antes da era comum
1 jan 687 ano antes da era comum
~ 28 years
