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April 1, 2024

Spanish Civil War (17 jul 1936 ano – 1 abr 1939 ano)


This was a civil war in Spain against the left leaning Republicans (in alliance with the anarchists, communists, and syndicalists) against the Nationalist revolt that consisted of CEDA, the church, Falangists, monarchists, and conservatives, led by General Francisco Franco. It began when generals from the Republican Armed Forces declared military opposition under the Republican Government. In essence, this was a civil war was a class struggle and a struggle between communism and fascism. Many atrocities during this war occurred and it became clear how divided the groups were politically. The Nationalists were heavily advanced in the civil war and organised purge in captured areas in order to secure the future regime under Franco. In the end, there were around a million people killed and the Nationalists were the victors which marked the end of the Second Spanish Republic, and also the proclamation of the Spanish State under Francisco Franco who would rule as dictator until 1975 after the victory.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


17 jul 1936 ano
1 abr 1939 ano
~ 2 years and 8 months
