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April 1, 2024

American War of Independance (4 out 1783 ano – 10 jan 1785 ano)


The War of Independence shaped America and freed it from Britan, it ended when the 13 colonies of America won political independence.

More than a decade of war was needed, however, to free them from Britan as well as various other help from foreign countries like Spain, France and even the Netherlands.

The declaration of Independence is also displayed in a museum to show the importance of the war.

The war in its ten years was mainly caused by Britain's massive dominance, and those wanting to be freed from it as it clasped its iron grip tighter.

It was an internal war within the empire but it soon became international when the French and Spanish joined.

The Netherlands gave financial support to the United States as they rebelled against Britan who was also in conflict with the Netherlands.

The naval warfare helped immensely due to the small number of troops sent to America, the very strategy that enabled the French to bring down the final British surrender.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

19 fev 2020


4 out 1783 ano
10 jan 1785 ano
~ 1 years and 3 months