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April 1, 2024

Offical Reign & Destruction of Her Rivals (1 jan 1996 ano – 1 jan 2004 ano)


The Tremere did exactly as she had foreseen, underestimating her and fell into her trap. Queen Anne's rule appeared to be secure.[16] Her first step was weakening the primogen, expelling the Tremere again and promoting sycophants of her into positions of power.

Anne consolidated her power base, isolating her rivals and enemies before any of them could make a first strike against her.

She used Parliament to pass a series of laws that weakened the other clans' power base, while taking steps to keep the primogen weak, installing Ventrue loyal to her and paying off Toreador to support her. She destroyed the Tremere who opposed her and manipulated the Brujah to withdraw from the council and the Anarchs. Anne finally rose to become the "Queen of London", ruling as the uncontested Prince of the domain and one of the most influential power-brokers of the European Kindred.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

7 fev 2020


1 jan 1996 ano
1 jan 2004 ano
~ 8 years