June 15, 2024

Sherborne School (1 jan 1926 ano – 1 jan 1930 ano)


When Alan turned 13, he began attending Sherborne School in Dorset UK, where Turings math teacher declared him to be a "Genius", though the other teachers would take a disliking to him for paying little attention in class and being annoyed by him doing very well on exams.

Fun fact:
Turings first day of the term was on the same day as the general strike in Britain,leaving turing no way to easily get to school, but Turing was so eager to attend he rode his bike 60 miles to get to school.

But later, nearing the end of his time at Sherborne School, Alan would meet Christopher Morcom who shared Alan's intellect and curiosity, ensuring the two adolescents would form a strong friendship, however, this would be cut short because in the year 1930 Christopher would die of tuberculosis,

Leaving Alan alone, but Alan would cope with his grief by devoting himself to fulfill his close friend’s lost potential.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1926 ano
1 jan 1930 ano
~ 4 years