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April 1, 2024

Greek Culture (1 jan 500 ano antes da era comum – 1 jan 200 ano antes da era comum)


Powerful new ideas emerge in Greek cities like Athens. Greeks lead the world in art, architecture, literature, politics, philosophy, and science. Hippocrates, a doctor, teaches that the body can heal itself with rest and simple food. Archimedes, a mathematician, outlines the laws of specific gravity and buoyancy.

Beginning around 500 BC,
Greeks begin to think about the world in a way not many others had.
They called this way of thinking philosophy. Soon the feel in love with their reasoning and debating and developed these to high arts. Philosophers preaching sermons and sermonettes to assemblies of people were superstars in their time. Both of these things, along with most of Greek philosophy, will go straight into Christianity.

Ptolemy, an astronomer and geographer, writes his famous book, Geography, which is used for centuries.
Pythagoras, a mathematician, shows the importance of math in astronomy. And Aristarchus, an astronomer, states that the earth revolves around the sun.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 500 ano antes da era comum
1 jan 200 ano antes da era comum
~ 300 years