June 15, 2024

2nd Era of Magic: Runic Magic (24 dez 1100 ano antes da era comum – 10 mar 1490 ano)


Simple manipulation of elements, invocations, youkai creations, relations with gods thanks to rituals...this is what offered the Runic Magic to humanity. Only wizards, scientists and other humans who devoted their life in science and the progress of humanity were allowed to use and study this magic. Those people were really closed to gods thanks to their talent, intelligence and purity.
But...will it stay like that forever? Gods are scared about giving too much power to their creation... But they think that if they stay in contact with humans, they won't disobey or forget them.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


24 dez 1100 ano antes da era comum
10 mar 1490 ano
~ 2592 years