June 15, 2024

7 abr 2024 ano - Invasion of Connorsville


Connorsville had been somewhat influenced by the Steel Serpents for a while.
For many days leading up to the invasion, there was word that SRJ militiamen were planning on taking the city by any means necesary (for reasons unknown, likely for influence/affluence). This led to a defensive protection set up by the SteeSts of Connorsville.

When the SRJs showed up across the bridge, (as the legend goes) an unknown soldier (referred to as the "Connorsville Soldier") stopped the troops and set up negotiations by himself. The soldier tried to get them to go away and not invade, but that was an impossibility. They settled on the decision to wait thirty minutes before the SRJ militiamen attacked.
Even though civilians were already being moved in the meantime, these negotiations saved many more lives.

In the end, Connorsville was taken by the SRJs (though the city was empty and nearly inhabitable at that point, forcing the SRJs to abandon it 50 minutes later).
The estimated casualties on both sides is ~100+ killed and ~40+ wounded, making Connorsville the deadliest war in Otiseng history.

[The painting below, by O. Paspuct, depicts the "Connorsville Soldier" confronting the oncoming SRJ forces, who are carrying shields, sheaths, & rifles.]

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


7 abr 2024 ano
~ 2 months and 9 days ago
