June 15, 2024

8 jun 1999 ano - Graduation Day


Faith kills Professor Worth on the Mayor's orders, causing Buffy and Giles to investigate. Anya reveals that she has previously seen an Ascension, explaining that the resulting demon will be much stronger than anything the group has faced. The Mayor interrupts the meeting, threatening the group. Giles stabs him, but the Mayor is unharmed. Buffy convinces Joyce to leave town for her own safety. Willow searches desperately for a spell to stop the Ascension, but finds nothing. Buffy raid Worth's office, finding some notes which they take to Wesley and Giles, who discover that Worth had found the bones of the demon Olvikan. The Mayor eats some insects from the Box of Gavrok, part of his preparation for the Ascension. Buffy finds Faith at her apartment and the two fight. Buffy stabs Faith, but she jumps off into a passing truck. The Mayor is informed that Faith is alive but in a coma from which she may never recover. Buffy organizes a plan with her friends for stopping the Mayor. Xander and Willow recruit several school students to join their plan. The graduation ceremony begins, and during his speech the Mayor's Ascension begins, and he transforms into Olvikan. The students reveal that they are all armed, and begin an attack. Olvikan kills Snyder and several other students. Buffy taunts Olvikan about Faith, drawing him away from the remaining students towards the library, where Giles detonates a bomb, destroying the demon and the school.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


8 jun 1999 ano
~ 25 years ago