June 15, 2024

19 jan 1999 ano - The Zeppo


Buffy, Faith, Willow, and Giles work together to defeat several demons that Giles later identifies as members of the Sisterhood of Jhe, who are intent on opening the Hellmouth. Xander, feeling increasingly insecure about his role in the group, buys a car in the hope it will make him useful, but accidentally rear-ends school bully Jack. Jack threatens Xander with a knife, but Xander covers for Jack when police arrive, gaining his respect. Jack takes Xander to the cemetery, where they resurrect Jack's dead friends. Jack, also dead, tries to initiate Xander into the group, but he flees. Driving away, Xander hits a member of the Sisterhood, saving Faith. They retreat to her motel, where Faith seduces him. After having sex, Faith kicks Xander out. Xander realizes that Jack and his friends have built a bomb. With Buffy, Giles, and the rest of his friends too busy, Xander tracks down the group himself. After outwitting them, Xander forces Jack to defuse the bomb, before Oz kills Jack. Meanwhile, Buffy, Faith, Willow, and Giles manage to close the Hellmouth and stop the Sisterhood in a largely off-screen struggle.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


19 jan 1999 ano
~ 25 years ago