June 15, 2024

23 fev 1999 ano - Lovesick


Spike, who has returned to Sunnydale, kidnaps Willow and Xander and forces Willow to cast a love spell on Drusilla, who has left him. Spike visits Buffy's home and talks to Joyce. Buffy intervenes and attacks him, but he refuses to tell them where Willow is. She agrees to cooperate with him while he seeks supplies for the spell. He mentions that he had got Dru a ring, but Angel stole it from him in LA, which Buffy begins to react to but is interrupted by several vampires who attack Spike and Buffy. The vampires were sent by the Mayor to attempt to expell him from town. They retreat to the magic shop, and they eventually repel their attackers. Spike decides to win Drusilla back using violence, and leaves. As he's leaving town, he is captured by military forces. Buffy meanwhile tells Giles that Angel has retuned from Hell, and that she intendes to find him.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


23 fev 1999 ano
~ 25 years ago