June 15, 2024

8 dez 1998 ano - The Wish


Cordelia, heartbroken over Xander, meets Anya, who tries to help her move on. Anya gives Cordelia a necklace. After Cordelia says that she wishes Buffy had never come to Sunnydale, Anya turns into a demon, then vanishes, and Cordelia is transported to an alternative reality. Soon after, Cordelia learns that Sunnydale is overrun by vampires, as The Master had risen two years ago and has taken over California. Cordelia is captured by Willow, the Master's local governor, and takes her to a farm. The necklace is taken from her as she is put in a cage, alongside Angel who is chained up. Cordelia tells Angel what happened and he deduces that it belongs to a Vengeance Demon and that reality can be restored if the power center is destroyed. Suddenly, the US Military invades the camp and releases the prisoners. Angel agrees to help Cordelia find the necklace and return reality to normal. Angel destroys her amulet, returning reality to the moment that Cordelia expressed her wish. Anya is perplexed at being unable to grant wishes.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


8 dez 1998 ano
~ 25 years ago