June 15, 2024

3 nov 1997 ano - Lie to Me


Angel runs into Drusilla and warns her to leave town. Buffy sees the two together. Billy "Ford" Fordham, a student who knew Buffy at LA, arrives, claiming to have transferred to Sunnydale, and joins Buffy and her friends. Buffy asks Angel about the previous night, but he lies about it, prompting Buffy to leave. Ford reveals that he knows Buffy is the Slayer. Angel and Willow discover that Ford has not in fact transferred to Sunnydale, and that Ford and his friends admire vampires. Buffy and Ford meet two vampires. Buffy kills one, but Ford lets the other go, telling Buffy that he killed it. Later, Buffy sees the same vampire fleeing the library, and realizes that Ford lied to her. Ford meets with Spike and offers to deliver Buffy to him in exchange for becoming a vampire. Buffy confronts Angel, who reveals that he turned Drusilla into a vampire. Buffy visits Ford and his friends, who lock her in with them. Spike and several vampires attack. Buffy captures Drusilla, forcing Spike to call off the attack. She locks them in with Ford, who is transformed into a vampire. Buffy kills Ford shortly after he rises from his grave.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


3 nov 1997 ano
~ 26 years ago