June 15, 2024

7 abr 1997 ano - Demonica Online


In 1418, priests trap the demon Moloch inside a book. In the present day, Willow scans that book into the computer. The text in the book disappears. The following week, Willow tells Buffy that she has developed an online relationship with a boy called "Malcolm". Moloch, who has passed into the computer, instructs a student named Fritz to watch Buffy. Wanting to learn more about "Malcolm", Buffy talks to another student, Dave, who warns Buffy to leave Willow alone. Willow asks to meet "Malcolm", but when he shares information about Buffy's past, Willow becomes suspicious and ends the chat. Dave tells Buffy that Willow wants to meet her, but then warns her just before she is electrocuted in a trap set by Fritz. Fritz fakes Dave's suicide on Moloch's orders. Giles asks Jenny Calendar, Sunnydale's computing teacher, to work with him to stop Moloch. He is surprised to learn that Jenny is already familiar with demons. Fritz kidnaps Willow, taking her to a facility where Moloch, who pretended to be Malcolm, has taken control of a robotic body. Moloch also kills Fritz. Giles and Jenny cast a spell to purge Moloch from the internet, while Buffy destroys his robot host.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


7 abr 1997 ano
~ 27 years ago