June 15, 2024

10 mar 1997 ano - Welcome to the Hellmouth


A vampire named Darla, a member of the Order of Aurelius and a servant of The Master, murders a student and stuffs him in a locker. Buffy Summers arrives in Sunnydale hoping to have a fresh start free from her Slayer responsibilities. Popular yet vapid cheerleader Cordelia Chase attempts to befriend Buffy, but Buffy is repulsed by Cordelia's dismissive treatment of outcasts Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg, and Jesse McNally. Buffy meets her new Watcher, Sunnydale High's librarian Rupert Giles, who warns Buffy that an increase in supernatural phenomena in Sunnydale in recent years is an indication of a forthcoming demon uprising. A mysterious figure named Angel, claiming to be a friend, offers guidance and warns about The Master. That night, at a nightclub called The Bronze, a group of vampires led by Darla attempt to kidnap Willow and Jesse. Buffy manages to kill one of the vampires and scares Darla off, rescuing Willow, but a stronger vampire named Luke corners her.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


10 mar 1997 ano
~ 27 years ago