June 15, 2024

3 mar 1998 ano - Surprise


Buffy has a nightmare in which Drusilla kills Angel in front of her. Fearing for Angel, she visits his apartment, but Angel assures her that everything is fine. Jenny's Romani uncle visits and warns her that Angel is becoming happy due to his relationship with Buffy, and the curse placed on him is in danger of lifting. Jenny takes Buffy to the Bronze for the party, but Buffy fights two vampires just outside. Jenny finds arm, and the group realize that Drusilla and Spike are attempting to reassemble an ancient demon, Judge, who cannot be killed by a "forged" weapon. Jenny asks Angel to take the arm far away. Vampires attack Angel and Buffy at the dock and recover the arm. Buffy and Angel sneak into Drusilla's party, discover that Judge has been restored, and are captured. They fight their way out and retreat to Angel's apartment. After recovering, they confess their love for each other and make love, and then fall asleep together. Angel wakes up later, in pain and screaming Buffy's name. Buffy wakes to find Angel gone.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

28 mar 2023


3 mar 1998 ano
~ 26 years ago