June 15, 2024

23 mar 2011 ano - New event


When he came home for lunch, Gwyn talks to Hermit about not playing with the kitchen appliances or making messes around the house. He also tells Hermit about the weaving tablets that belonged to Vikings found at an archeologist site. Hertimit was intrigued by the tablets and began to speak when Maddie came home. She and Gwyn were talking about Jonas but Hermit cut them off because he did not approve of someone from a Norse background coming into their home. Gwyn decides to show Hermit his computer to keep him busy and teaches him how to use it. Hermit asks to see a “the Prophecy” that tellls someone how to lift “ the “curse” and wants to ask Gwynn’s farther about it. Maddie and Gwyn tell Hermit That he can not let Thierry father see him because he might try to study Hermit and take him to a lab. After dinner, Gwyn takes Hermit the old family manuscripts his father found. Hermit reads them and Gwyn and Maddie discover that they would have to steal the Viking tablets that were stolen alongside time ago from their ancestor Madoca who was a witch.

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23 mar 2011 ano
~ 13 years ago