June 15, 2024

26 dez 1991 ano - End of Cold Soviet Union collapsed.


This timeline represents the main events of the Cold because it elaborates each main event with a brief description of its significance. It contains all the dates and periods in a chronological order during which the event takes place. I chose these main events because they emphasize the fact that the war was serious enough to trigger a nuclear war. It shows the frosty relationship between the Communist USSR and the Capitalist USA. There is a map showing the division and opposition of Europe by the iron curtain. I also included a cartoon of President. Kennedy and P. Khrushchev who were involved in Cuban Missile Crisis. And a diagram indicating the number of nuclear warheads between Russia and U.S 1945 - 1990. This proves that these mains events mainly characterised by tension and rivalry were capable of destroying humanity especially the
Cuban Missile Crisis. The most significant event was the Vietnam War with over 2 million victims of both opposing sides and giving a bad image of U.S in the Cold War. The U.S.A was effectively defeated during this war after President Nixon removed troops from Vietnam South causing it to surrender to North Vietnam in April of 1975.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


26 dez 1991 ano
~ 32 years ago