April 1, 2024

1 jan 1348 ano - Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian poet and author, writes a world famous description of the plague in his book, "The Decameron"


""The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death; but it began both in men and women with certain swellings in the groin or under the armpit. They grew to the size of a small apple or an egg, more or less, and were vulgarly called tumours. In a short space of time these tumours spread from the two parts named all over the body. Soon after this the symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body, sometimes a few large ones, sometimes many little ones. These spots were a certain sign of death, just as the original tumour had been and still remained." Giovanni wrote this quote about the time that the Black death reached Venice and Genoa- These events would most likely be the inspiration for this world famous quote.

Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Decameron

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1348 ano
~ 676 years ago
