June 15, 2024

21 ago 1873 ano - The Esas River Burning


The Esas River Burning was caused by the built up anger of the Esaslèm citydwellers under Oipientian occupation. As the Oipientian soldiers stole foodstuffs, supplies, partied, got horribly drunk, and caused wreckage throughout the city, the Esasi, limited due to war, wanted to get revenge against them. A group of angry teens and young adults that called themselves the Protectors of the Esas, began planning to rebel against their occupiers. However, on August 21, 1873, the group snuck into an Oipientian ammunition drop, stole weapons and supplies but on their way out, they were spotted by a squad of soldiers. The rebels fired shots back at the ensuing Oipientians but were pushed to the bank of the Esas, where a stalemate occurred for over 4 hours. Eventually, the Oipientian soldiers poured gallons of oil into the river and forced the rebels to try to cross. When they started to swim to the other side, the Oipientians began to shoot at them, purposefully missing, then they lit the river on fire. The rebels became entirely engulfed by the flaming river and the fire eventually reached the city itself, causing the Great Fire of 1873 which burned down the Esasi harbor. 34 rebels were killed on August 21, 1873 and 4 soldiers had been killed. 5 rebels had been shot and killed, 7 were wounded but bled out before entering the river, and 22 were burned in the river fire. The 5 soldiers that were killed were shot during the stalemate with the first soldier death occuring in the very beginning of the engagement.

The Esas River Burning horribly demoralized the Esasi and anti-Oipientian sentiment quickly faded. This allowed for an easier integration of the region into Oipienta.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 ago 1873 ano
~ 150 years ago