April 1, 2024

29 jan 2010 ano - ~2010: BP begins working with the Mubarak regime in Egypt


The line of Bell Pottinger working “for Egypt’s repressive regime” is routinely trotted out in stories, but there is actually extremely limited information available.

A WorldPress article from 2010, before the Arab Spring, says Hosni Mubarak’s regime hired the firm and confirms it with an unnamed Bell Pottinger rep.

This from the WorldPress article in October 2010:

“A Bell Pottinger representative denied that the hiring has anything to do with polishing up the regime ahead of the 2011 presidential elections where many expect Gamal Mubarak to ‘inherit’ power from his father.

“She explained to me through an email correspondence that they have been appointed by the government of Egypt to review the ways in which the government communicates with the international media and to advise on how to get the government's messages better understood internationally.

“ ‘Like many other countries, Egypt faces some serious problems, but the government has made real progress in recent years in introducing political and economic reforms and has many achievements to its credit, which have not always been properly communicated to the world at large,’ says the Bell Pottinger representative.”

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

13 fev 2018


29 jan 2010 ano
~ 14 years ago