April 1, 2024

1 jan 1607 ano - Colonists arrive at Jamestown, Virginia


The London Company sailed to America by boat and founded Jamestown, Virginia. It was a fort at first but later evolved into a town later on. Their captain was named Christopher Newport and they voyaged for four months before arriving at Jamestown. They stopped at the Canary Islands as well before making it to America. However, life wasn't great at the settlement. In fact, people were starving because there wasn't enough space to farm due to the amount of mosquitoes and water. They arrived at a bad time for agriculture as well and the people who arrived were more gentleman-like and couldn't carry out much labouring. Eventually, 80 percent of the people who arrived had died and everybody else had to look for other places to live in.

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1 jan 1607 ano
~ 417 years ago