April 1, 2024

15 h 18 m, 15 mar 1920 ano - Kapp Putsch, Mar 1920


Wolfgang Kapp - was a Right-Wing journalist and Prussian civil servant. Kapp opposed all that Freidrich Ebert stood for and what he believed in, he also thought that signing the Treaty of Versailles was an embarrassment to Germany.

The leaders of the Kapp Pustch was Wolfgang Kapp and Walther von Luttwitz. The coup included Freikorps who were Right Wing, ex - soldiers. They wanted to overthrow the government and establish a Right Wing autocratic government.

On the 13th March, the coup took place in the centre of Berlin and the German government were forced to flee the city. The coup failed after a few days because the German government created a general strike which large sections of
the German population followed.

Although the coup failed, it lead to significant consequences for Weimar Germany it was the cause for the left wing uprising in the Ruhr.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


15 h 18 m, 15 mar 1920 ano
~ 104 years ago