June 15, 2024

9 h 33 m, 14 jan 1919 ano - Spartacists Uprising, Jan 1919


The Spartacists were a left-wing communist revolutionary group who disliked the government . This was because they wanted communism in Germany; the Spartacists wanted Germany to be run by the working classes. They wanted power and wealth to be shared equally across the population.

They wanted to replicate the Russian revolution in 1917:

They wanted to overthrow the government, and because Germany was in chaos at this time due to the abdication of the Kaiser and WW1 was over, they had a chance to start an uprising and gain supporters for a better Germany.

They wanted to establish Soviets ( workers and soldiers councils) instead of a central government in towns and cities.

And they wanted to do this with a violent uprising with the left - wing KPD (Communist Party of Germany) and the USPD (Indapendant socialist).

However, their revolt was poorly planned and not well organised, 50,000 workers went on strike in the centre of Berlin however some workers left because of the poor planning dues to different ideals for a greater Germany and no clear chain of demand. Newspaper and Communication buildings were seized, so that berlin was trapped and protestors armed themselves but they were not military trained.

The Government employed the Friekorps to control and stop the uprising; the Friekorps were ex-army soldiers who were Right Wing, were loyal to the Kiaser and were strongly against the Spartacists.

The Consequences for the Spartacist uprising was, over 100 workers were killed and the founders of the Spartacus League, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were arrested and executed. As well as they made it easier for the Nazis to claim that the current democratic system was unworkable and in chaos.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


9 h 33 m, 14 jan 1919 ano
~ 105 years ago