April 1, 2024

1 jan 2018 ano - Sharon Jaynes, Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence


I think it only fitting to end this chapter with the Story Of Horatio Spafford. He was born on October 20, 1828, in North Troy, New York. Horatio was a successful lawyer in Chicago who was devoted to the Scriptures and his relationship to Jesus Christ. Sometime in 1871, just after Spafford had invested greatly in real estate, a devastating fire swept through Chicago, wiping out his holdings and his life savings. Just before the fire, he experienced the death of his only son. "Two years after the fire, Spafford planned a vacation to Europe for him and his family. He wanted to provide a respite for his wife and children and at the same time assist evangelist D.L. Moody with his campaigns in Great Britain. But at the last minute, just before their ship was to set sail, Spafford was called away on a business matter. He put his wife and four daughters on the SS Ville du Havre and kissed them good-bye with a promise to join them in a few days. But on November 22, the ship carrying Spafford's family was struck by an English vessel and quickly sank to the bottom of the Atlantic. In 12 short minutes, 226 lives met their watery graves; among them were all four of Spafford's daughters. After the survivors were shuttled safely to shore in Wales, Spafford's wife cabled her husband with two simple words: "Saved alone." Spafford left Chicago immediately to bring his grieving wife back home. As he passed near the place where his daughters took their last breaths, amid his intense grief, he penned the words to one of my favorite hymns. (quotes hymn).

Sharon Jaynes, Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence (Harvest House Publishers, 2018), 211–12.

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1 jan 2018 ano
~ 6 years and 4 months ago