June 15, 2024

1 jan 1242 ano antes da era comum - Peleus Mounts Rebellion


Peleus accidentally killed Eurytion during the hunt for the Calydonian boar and fled from Phthia. He turned to the King of Iolcus, Acastus. Acastus' wife, Astydameia, fell in love with Peleus and after he scorned her, she sent a messenger to Antigone to tell her that Peleus was to marry Acastus' daughter. As a result, Antigone hanged herself.

Astydameia then told Acastus that Peleus had tried to rape her. Acastus took Peleus on a hunting trip atop Mount Pelion and once Peleus fell asleep, Acastus hid his sword away and abandoned him on the mountainside. Peleus woke up and as a group of centaurs was about to attack him, the wise centaur Chiron returned his sword to him and Peleus managed to escape. He calls upon Jason and the two mount a rebellion against Iolcus, killing both Acastus and Astydameia.

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1 jan 1242 ano antes da era comum
~ 3268 years ago