June 15, 2024

1 jun 1947 ano - Britain hands Israel question over to UN, UN recommends 2 state solution (d


from Arab point of view:
Zionist leaders declare war on the British in Palestine in order to get the immigration restrictions of the 1939 White Paper cancelled. Their presence in the area having become untenable, the British hand the Palestine question to the United Nations. A Special UN Commission on Palestine recommends the partition of historic Palestine into two separate states, one Jewish and the other Arab, with Jerusalem placed under international supervision. Palestinian Arabs reject this plan, which they perceive as biased against them. At the time, Jews are approximately half the Palestinian population and own about 7% of the land. The partition plan, which allocates approximately 55% of the most fertile land to the Jewish state, is approved by the UN General Assembly, and Britain agrees to withdraw from Palestine by May 15, 1948.

– Violence between Arabs and Jews reaches uncontrollable levels as Jewish forces begin to remove the Arabs from the territory allotted by the UN partition plan to a Jewish state. The resistance of Palestinian irregulars and volunteers from neighboring Arab countries is no match for the experienced Irgun and Hadanah Jewish groups. By the spring of 1948, more than 400,000 Arabs will have fled their land or been expelled. A human disaster has begun, with thousands of Palestinian refugees pouring into neighboring Arab states.

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1 jun 1947 ano
~ 77 years ago