June 15, 2024

1 jan 1245 ano antes da era comum - Eighth Labour of Heracles


Heracles intended to steal the Mares from Diomedes, in Thrace. The mares' unnatural diet which consisted of the flesh of unsuspecting guests or strangers to the island. The Mares, which were the terror of Thrace, were kept tethered by iron chains to a bronze manger in the city of Tirida and were named Podargos (the swift), Lampon (the shining), Xanthos (the yellow) and Deinos (the terrible). After overpowering Diomedes’ men, Heracles broke the chains that tethered the horses and drove the mares down to sea.

Unaware that the mares were man-eating and uncontrollable, Heracles left them in the charge of his favored companion, Abderus, while he left to fight Diomedes. Upon his return, Heracles found that the boy was eaten. As revenge, Heracles fed Diomedes to his own horses. Eating human flesh make the horses calmer, giving Heracles the opportunity to bind their mouths shut, and easily take them back to King Eurystheus, who dedicated the horses to Hera.

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1 jan 1245 ano antes da era comum
~ 3271 years ago