June 15, 2024

1 jan 1500 ano antes da era comum - Temple of Amada


The Temple of Amada, the oldest Egyptian temple in Nubia, was first constructed by Pharaoh Thutmose III of the 18th dynasty and dedicated to Amun and Re-Horakhty.[1] His son and successor, Amenhotep II continued the decoration program for this structure. Amenhotep II's successor, Thutmose IV decided to place a roof over its forecourt and transform it into a pillared or hypostyle hall.[2] During the Amarna period, Akhenaten had the name Amun destroyed throughout the temple but this was later restored by Seti I of Egypt's 19th Dynasty.[3] Various 19th Dynasty kings especially Seti I and Ramesses II also "carried out minor restorations and added to the temple's decoration."[4] The stelas of the Viceroys of Kush Setau, Heqanakht and Messuy and that of Chancellor Bay describe their building activities under Ramesses II, Merneptah and Siptah respectively.[3] In the medieval period the temple was converted into a church.

Along with Abu Simbel, Philae and other Nubian archaeological sites, Amada was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.[5]


Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1500 ano antes da era comum
~ 3526 years ago