June 15, 2024

4 mar 1987 ano - Iran Contra Scandal


Although details were complicated, the scandal essentially said that US officials privately arranged arms sales to Iran in exchange for Iran using their influence to free American hostages in Lebanon. Iran was considered to be a terrorist nation, and the US was not willing to make any deals for the release of the hostages. Profits from the arms sales were helping finance the Nicaraguan Contras against the Sandinistas, and Congress had forbidden aid to the Contras. This secret operation was carried out by the President’s National Security Council. Although the President himself was not accused of wrongdoing, the scandal did reflect badly on Reagan. Either he was incompetent or he was guilty of breaking the law that forbid military aid to the contras. Public opinion of Reagan was not greatly affected and led some to nickname him the “Teflon President," meaning he had a nonstick surface so nothing bad could stick.

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4 mar 1987 ano
~ 37 years ago