June 15, 2024

9 fev 1440 ano - Oipienta Wins the Battle of Pathe


The final battle of the Invasion of Mredon was a success for the invaders. As night fell on the city, the camps set up outside on the outskirts by Oipientians were empty. The invaders had formed around the city's northwestern portion, the easiest position to attack from, and began to storm its walls. The battle was long and difficult for both sides as a winter stomr had just blown through and depleted a large amount of the Oipientians food supply but it also left the city in shambles. As the Oipientians had been camping on the outskirts of the city for well over 2 months, they had been stopping the imports of supplies directed towards Pathe. This made the citizens weak and eager for an end to the siege and war. The weakened defenders of the city kept the Oipientian soldiers at bay until the morning when the walls had been breached by a catapult. The city fell wtihin 48 hours of the initial breach of the walls. With low moral, the Oipientians began to pillage the city and abuse its citizens. Rape was rampant among the savage soldiers and one account from the event noted, "the savage invaders, reeked of blood and death. They did not bring us the salvation we were hoping for and instead they brought us the true reality of war. Our women and children, already hardened because of famine, were being abused and raped and slaughtered by the invaders. Our King is stuck in his castle 'creating' peace with the enemy while they are destroying our homes and riches."

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9 fev 1440 ano
~ 584 years ago