June 15, 2024

14 h 51 m, 1 jan 1946 ano - The St. Daríd Xnonos Square Riot [TDX Riot]


A riot occurred during Ṡĩvgalè Pilub Alňõ's speech at the Tešal Daríd Xnonos Senos (St. Daríd Xnonos Square|TDXS) in the Mirsíňaš (Tarragon Marketplace) District of Kueplios. His speech regarded a new possible reform to the Oipientian Constitution that would change the amount of terms a person can run as Ṡĩvgalè of Oipienta for. As Alňõ's party had the majority in the House of Lords, House of Commons, and the Oipientian Senate, the amendment would be approved and changed. However, a small group of men a part of the Haddakuist Oipientian Party were present at the speech and started to get the crowd riled up. They preached that the bill was going to hurt the democracy of Oipienta and that it was not what the Great Javician Civil War was fought for. As the riot started at 2:51 P.M., the group of 7 men fled the scene. They split up and retreated into the neighboring buildings facing the square where the speech and riot were taking place. Oipientian law enforcement could not handle the rioters and started to escort Ṡĩvgalè Alňõ away from the area. Only 22 seconds after Alňõ began to be moved, one of the 7 men from the Haddakuist Oipientian Party shot Alňõ. He took three shots, the first shot hit his left shoulder, the second missed, and the third hit his left side temple. However, Alňõ survived and was rushed out of Ṕorrínfyanš and into the Oipientian National Hospital in Yelša Ãnaṡw (North Town), Kueplios. He died 13 minutes after arriving to the hospital.

When Alňõ was shot, the majority of people in the riot began to panic and more shots were beginning to be herd from within the crowd. 3 minutes after Alňõ left the square, the men from the Haddakuist Oipientian Party started to take control of the riot and they all got up to where Alňõ was speaking and the main man, Fa Ćãvdẽrv (not related to former Ṡĩvgalè Rikjoert Ćãvdẽrv), began riling up the rioters again with then his now infamous, United Utopia Speech. He preached about the idea of a united utopia and how they could live in complete democracy without strife if they marched down to the House of Commons, demanding the abdication of the "tyrant Alňõ" and his cronies in the government. Ćãvdẽrv also talked about marching to the Oipientian National Hospital and finishing off Alňõ.

So after Ćãvdẽrv's speech, he and the 6 other Haddakuist Oipientian Party men led the rioters of Mirsíňaš to the House of Commons first. There they failed to overthrow the Senate and thus ended the riot at 22:06 P.M.

Due to the people born during the Great Yuerokian Baby Boom of the late 1920s being old enough to fight, a massive amount of young teenagers joined the Haddakuist Oipientian Party in response to the riot. This massive spike in membership allowed for the party to carry out more violent acts due to the more expendable amount of members. The newer and younger members of the H.O.P. were devoutly supported to the leader of the party, Kaèserèlar Sígana, and obeyed more or less every order he commanded them to do.

What occurred on January 1, 1946, affected the majority of Oipienta's domestic policy in the later half of the 1940s, which included the beginning of a survelince state, the rise of fascism and haddakuimism and their rivalry, as well as massive riots and protests throughout all of the Republic. The Oipientian Fascist Party continued to rule in power but did not pass Alňõ's proposed amendment as it proved to be extremely unpopular due to more protests and riots against it. Crime became extremely rampant in Oipienta, especially within the big cities and the Southern states. Extermination camps for political rivals, certain ethnic and minority groups, and certain political groups were implemented and kept in secret. Any one who arrived at one of the camps was forced to do difficult manual labor and never made it out.

The Assassination of Ṡĩvgalè Pilub Alňõ marked the beginning of the most brutal and horrific regime in Oipientian, and possibly, Yuerokian history as Alňõ's Vice Ṡĩvgalè, Rekĩ Tasak, took control of the Ṡĩvgalèploi after his death.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


14 h 51 m, 1 jan 1946 ano
~ 78 years ago