June 15, 2024

22 dez 2027 ano - The Rhythmic Symphony


Many different mystics and ancient calendar systems have long predicted the great turning point of human evolution coming to a climax in this current age.The Human Design System, one of the great systems that laid the foundation for this work on the 64 Gene Keys, uses the 64 codes of the ancient I Ching as a kind of genetic clock to measure the timing of potential future mutations in human DNA. As a genetic clock, it predicts that a huge genetic mutation will sweep through the solar plexus system of humanity beginning in the year 2027. As such, the year 2027 is a difficult year to put into words. The coming consciousness shift will be an implosion of extremely high frequency siddhic consciousness. Certainly after this date nothing will ever be the same again.

Beginning in the year 2027, our planet will begin a gradual process of falling silent into a state of awe. Between 2012 and 2027, a core awakening fractal of humanity will lay the foundations of a new world that will reshape this planet from the inside out. Old systems will crumble as the new order arises unscathed within their midst. This time will mark the phase of recreating Eden, which never left this planet but remained as an energetic blueprint. Harmony and melody will be synthesised here into a divine universal rhythm. For the first time humanity will hear and be the virtuoso soloist in the great symphony of the spheres. At a certain point in our future beyond 2027, we will finally discover the wonder of simply being. There really will be nothing left to do on earth but enjoy the garden — something our species has not yet managed to do.”

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


22 dez 2027 ano
~ 3 years and 6 months later
