June 15, 2024

17 h 42 m, 6 jun 1854 ano - Canada and United States sign a Reciprocity Treaty.


This movement began 1846-50 in Ontario (Canada West) and the Maritime colonies. British diplomats had tried before 1852 to have a reciprocity agreement in Washington, which had failed. Both of the American and Canadian governments became anxious and the Reciprocity Treaty was finally signed by the British North America (BNA) Governor General Lord Elgin and U.S Secretary of State William Marcy on June 6th, 1854. The treaty was to remain for 10 years, could be terminated by either side with a 1-yearś notice.
During the Civil War, Britain silently collaborated with the South in their fight against the North. Northern politicians ended the Reciprocity Treaty due to Britain helping the South. They ¨Abrogate¨ the treaty on March 17th, 1866.
The Canadian attempts to renewal the treaty, while failing many times. In the 1880s, Progressive Conservative government of Brian Mulroney negotiated the Canada-U.S Free Trade Agreement. It was signed by Brian Mulroney and the U.S President Ronald Reagan in 1988.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


17 h 42 m, 6 jun 1854 ano
~ 170 years ago
